World War II Dance Video by Sproughton C of E
Thank you to the amazing pupils and staff at Sproughton C of E Primary in Ipswich for sharing your dance video. The pupils and their teacher created, filmed and edited this sequence, then sent it to us with permission to share with you all. I think you will agree they have made a wonderful interpretation of the ‘World War II’ lesson scheme from Dance Notes.
Want to Share Your Video?
Does your school have footage of your work with Dance Notes you would like to share? If so, we would love to see it.
And we would love to include it on this page, if it is of sufficient quality (and you have all the necessary parental permissions). We will then reward you with a free lesson download of your choosing. Or you can enjoy a year’s discounted Dance Notes Licence
Simply get in touch via email or phone and we will explain how to upload your video for consideration.
Creating Your Own Video
Try to include elements from each week of the plan. You can use captions to show which elements are being used (as does the ‘World War II’ example here). Begin with an overview of the plan’s objectives. Then, overlay the dance footage with the relevant music to create a polished video. You may want to cross-fade between tracks, where several are used. Alternatively, you could create sudden stops or starts in the music, depending on the nature of the dance.
Our creative partners: Make a Move
Planned & Delivered Child-Centred Learning Lessons for KS1&2 Meet The Team Your Videos