Chocolate (KS2)

Explore the chocolate-making process. Then search for a coin to buy a ‘Wonka’ bar. This wins the golden ticket and you meet the Umpa Loompas. Which leads you into a wonderful mouth-watering landscape.


Alice in Wonderland (KS2)

Meet and become the colourful characters from the classic tale ‘Alice in Wonderland’. Have a tea party with the Mad Hatter, then play cards with the Queen of Hearts!


Superheroes (KS1)

What would it be like to be superheroes and have superpowers? Together with your superhero pals, find and defeat the bad guys and free their captors in this action-packed dance…


Where the Wild Things Are (KS1)

The classic modern children’s tale ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ provides a wealth of stimuli. Explore the forest and the sea, and become the Wild Things themselves. All culminating in a Wild Things party!…


Penguin Small (KS1)

Join our penguin on his adventures: hiding from polar bears. Meet the jungly animals. Sail in the snowman’s hat. And before you know it, you’ll even be taking to the air with Penguin Small!…


Dragons – Zog (KS1)

Taking inspiration from the modern mythical children’s book ‘Zog’,  enter the world of dragons and knights. Create a castle and hide from the dragon. Then breathe – and become – fire!…


Going on a Bear Hunt (KS1)

‘Going on a Bear Hunt’ gives rise to all sorts of movement ideas: moving like a bear, negotiating obstacles, confronting a scary animal, running away and – of course – hiding. A breathless journey is assured…


Once Upon a Time (KS1)

Fairy Tales provide a rich seam for movement ideas. From beans to beasts; treachery to treasure; ridicule to revelation. And – Once Upon a Time – good always won out in the end!


The Last Tiger (KS2)

In Rebecca Elliott’s ‘The Last Tiger’, Luca befriends a lone animal. The tiger brings colour and magic into her dreary life. Using these ideas and images, children create their own imaginary world…


Monkey Puzzle (KS1)

Let’s read Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler’s hit children’s book ‘Monkey Puzzle’. Then use the story’s animals to stimulate movement ideas.  We’ll work solo, in pairs & groups, then finally as a whole class in one giant caterpillar!
