Where can we go to in our journey as explorers? How will we travel in, on or through different terrain? What might we find when we get there? And how will we react to this discovery?…
Sound (KS2)
When we listen to sounds – what kinds can we here? Discover & explore particles, waves and echoes – individually, in pairs and together in groups.
Giraffes Can’t Dance (KS1)
Order/DownloadGiraffes can’t dance – but what about their animal friends? What animals do which dances? How do they move? Can you move like them?
Monkey Puzzle (KS1)
Let’s read Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler’s hit children’s book ‘Monkey Puzzle’. Then use the story’s animals to stimulate movement ideas. We’ll work solo, in pairs & groups, then finally as a whole class in one giant caterpillar!
Grace Darling – Seaside Rescue (KS1)
Order/DownloadGrace Darling lived in a cramped lighthouse with her siblings and their father, the lighthouse keeper. We recreate her daily routine and famous rescue of stricken sailors in a heavy storm.
Once Upon a Time (KS1)
Order/DownloadFairy Tales provide a rich seam for movement ideas. From beans to beasts; treachery to treasure; ridicule to revelation. And – Once Upon a Time – good always won out in the end!
Going on a Bear Hunt (KS1)
Order/Download‘Going on a Bear Hunt’ gives rise to all sorts of movement ideas: moving like a bear, negotiating obstacles, confronting a scary animal, running away and – of course – hiding. A breathless journey is assured…
Seasons (KS1)
Order/DownloadSpring flowers delicately open, then burst with colour. Summer brings fun on the beach. Crops grow tall, swaying in the Autumn breeze. And who can resist playing in the snow? Which is your favourite season?
We Are What We Eat (KS1)
How does food grow? What are our favourite fruits and vegetables? How do we serve and eat them? Are we what we eat? Food is energy, so this is an ideal topic through which to explore dance…
Dragons – Zog (KS1)
Order/DownloadTaking inspiration from the modern mythical children’s book ‘Zog’, enter the world of dragons and knights. Create a castle and hide from the dragon. Then breathe – and become – fire!…
The Scented Garden (KS1)
Plants grow from seeds, are helped by animals and nurtured by the gardener. Weather & seasons shape them into a beautiful scented garden. Then Winter comes and they go back to sleep…
Penguin Small (KS1)
Join our penguin on his adventures: hiding from polar bears. Meet the jungly animals. Sail in the snowman’s hat. And before you know it, you’ll even be taking to the air with Penguin Small!…
Where the Wild Things Are (KS1)
The classic modern children’s tale ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ provides a wealth of stimuli. Explore the forest and the sea, and become the Wild Things themselves. All culminating in a Wild Things party!…
Our World (KS1)
Through movement, children consider a range of questions concerning our world and its future. What is recycling? What’s water like? How do plants move? Can we beat pollution? How can we save energy?…
The Circus (KS1)
Order/DownloadIn the Big Top, point & stare. Try-out being clowns; balance on tightropes; work together on the trapeze and create a human cannonball. There’s lots of fun and action at the circus!…
The Great Fire of London (KS1)
Discover improv, canon, work with props and more whilst exploring The Great Fire of London. Starting with isolated flame movements; what happens when the candle burns down and the fire spreads? …
Minibeasts (KS1)
Being so small challenges how you can move. How does it feel to hatch from an egg? How do you interact with your habitat? What is it like be part of a colony of Minibeasts?…
The Olympics (KS1)
The Olympics present a world of movement. Create a synchronised-swimming quartet. Devise a shadow-boxing solo & rhythmic-gymnastics duet. Then join them together into one big Olympics dance…
Dinosaurs (KS1)
Life from the oceans developed into the enormous land animals we know as dinosaurs. Eventually some of these also took flight. Let this fascinating subject lead you to a world of discovery through movement…
The Jungle (KS1)
Explore the amazing natural habitat of the Jungle. This ecosystem is home to a vast range of wildlife; full of colour and movement. Derive dance ideas from these, then contrast them with the threat from mankind…
Pirates & Treasure (KS1)
Experience life onboard a pirate ship. Feel the weather, encounter under-sea creatures, find treasure, battle to keep it, then escape with the bounty! Pirates & Treasure is a sure-fire hit with your pupils…
Ourselves (KS1)
What can our bodies do? What do they say about ourselves? How do our movements reflect our mood? Pupils work together to explore these themes; creating and learning a ‘Happiness’ dance…
Toys (KS1)
Explore partner work on the theme of ‘Toys’. Discovering a present, unwrapping it, finding a puppet inside, then manipulating its strings lead to a host of movement ideas…
Under The Sea (KS1)
Shapes and colours abound under the sea. Move in different ways, like the many creatures and the ocean itself. Explore these fascinating elements to build your own sea dance…
Space (KS1)
Let’s put on our space suits and leave the Earth’s atmosphere; experience weightlessness, encounter robots, explore planets and ask ‘are we really alone?’!…
Superheroes (KS1)
What would it be like to be superheroes and have superpowers? Together with your superhero pals, find and defeat the bad guys and free their captors in this action-packed dance…
Animals of Africa (KS1)
What do we know about the animals of Africa? How do they move? Looking at hippos, snakes, lions and monkeys, children improvise, work with partners and build a group dance…
Florence Nightingale (KS1)
Individually explore Florence Nightingale’s daily activities, before creating group sequences to depict her travel, nursing and caring for wounded soldiers.
Dancing Around The World (KS1)
Order/DownloadDancing our way around the world, we encounter: Chinese dragons; boats on the Nile; a Mexican fiesta; the Indian Holi festival; native American traditions and the sweeping Sahara.