“I really enjoy all the new schemes continuously coming out and made available to us. So pleased with our decision to buy into this scheme.”
Take Your Partners…
As a school partnership, you understand the benefits of working together with other local establishments. That way, you can consolidate your resources, share best practice and streamline your administration. So you will naturally want to apply this thinking to your Dance Notes implementation as well. Which is why we have created a system for rewarding partnership schools with a simplified sign-up and group discount.
A School Partnership Means… One for All
Your school partnership can take up a group Licence that will give access to a number of schools via one application and a single annual fee. Each school will have its own log-in and receive updates via a designated point of contact. However, the licence itself will be administered by your partnership’s budget holder. This will reduce administration both for you and us. It will therefore be rewarded with a discount to reflect that saving, the amount of which will depend on the number of schools involved.
What This Provides Your School Partnership
Your school, as mentioned, will have its own log-in. This will give you unlimited access for all staff to the entire Dance Notes library. This includes: lessons, music and supporting documents – all designed for classroom use by non-specialist teachers. New materials are added on an ongoing basis and users may request new topics, where a subject is not already covered. In addition, should your school require CDs for your Dance work, these may be ordered on a termly basis at no extra cost.
How Much Will I Save?
The Licence already represents exceptional value for money, providing your entire school with everything needed to deliver dance. Having these resources on-hand year round for every teacher will save a great deal of time, effort and – of course – money. When you apply this across the whole school its value is clear. When you then add in the additional group saving for your partnership, you really can’t go wrong. Here are the group discounts at a glance:
Single School Licence: £216.00
3 – 5 schools: £550
6 – 9 schools: £875
10 – 15 school: £1500
You will be able to invite your partner schools once payment is confirmed.
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